
2023年6月25日—With5G,users'experienceisconsiderablybetterthanusingolder4GnetworktechnologyacrossGulfCooperationCouncil(GCC)markets.,2022年6月22日—SouthKoreacontinuestotopthegloballeaderboardwiththehighestaverage5GDownloadSpeed(432.7Mbps)againandalsoholdingontothetop ...,,2022年3月1日—InOpensignal'srecentreport—the5GImpactontheGlobalMobileNetworkExperience—weanalyzedhowusers'overallexperienceha...

Benchmarking the GCC 5G Experience — June 2023

2023年6月25日 — With 5G, users' experience is considerably better than using older 4G network technology across Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) markets.

Benchmarking the Global 5G Experience — June 2022

2022年6月22日 — South Korea continues to top the global leaderboard with the highest average 5G Download Speed (432.7 Mbps) again and also holding on to the top ...

Benchmarking the Global 5G Experience — March 2022

2022年3月1日 — In Opensignal's recent report — the 5G Impact on the Global Mobile Network Experience — we analyzed how users' overall experience has ...


Benchmarking the Global 5G Experience — June 2023 ... The 5G experience continues to evolve. More markets are launching 5G. More spectrum is becoming available ...


2023年7月3日 — We have just published our updated analysis benchmarking the global #5G experience. Average 5G speeds are much faster than #4G and there is ...

Taiwan 台灣

Now for the first time Opensignal ranks the world's 5G operators using our leading measures of the real-world mobile network experience. Benchmarking the Global ...